Call for Workshop Proposals


Fourth International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools

October 20-22, 2009 - Pisa, Italy

VALUETOOLS 2009 is the Fourth International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. This edition will build on the success of the previous editions. The aim of the conference is to bring academic and industry researchers together with practitioners from both the performance evaluation community and from the numerous communities who develop interesting performance evaluation problems. The conference will address current and future trends in performance evaluation techniques, practices, tools and applications and foster interdisciplinary collaborative research in this area.
We invite proposals for one-day workshops on new and emerging topics in performance evaluation techniques, to be held in conjunction with the main conference. The specific methods or targeted application domain might complement the ones of the main conference. Workshop organizers can invite special talks, while regular papers should undergo a peer-review process.  Typically, each workshop will be composed of around 10 papers. Workshop organizers manage the paper submission and review process, and submit the camera-ready papers before the due date. The workshop papers will be published together with regular papers in the conference proceedings.

Proposal Preparation

A formal workshop proposal should be at most two pages and include the following information:

Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and relevance to VALUETOOLS 2009, as well as on the qualifications of the organizers and Program Committee. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit workshop proposals to [email protected], by March 8, 2009.

Important Dates

Workshop proposals due: March 8
Notification of acceptance: March 12
Workshop website online: March 15
Final Manuscript due: August 1 (hard)